Sunday, May 3, 2009

How many of Features Google Adsense and internet?

Viral marketing is a way to promote a service or product exponentially. It’s an effective internet marketing tool designed for one reason – to gain traffic through free or low cost distribution with the intent of gaining the customer to market other products and create brand awareness. Free, as in giving away as a bonus or incentive in conjunction with something else. For instance, I can create a handy Ebook that is exclusive and likeable and then give it away free as a promotion or incentive to sign up for my newsletter. You can even sell it. By having these distributed in such a fashion, you gain credibility by adding dollar value and master resale rights as well. The number of readers could exponentially grow. So here are a few tips to help you sell your Ebook resale right:
1) Create Master Resell Rights –- Great for generating interest and free distribution. You can offer this as a bonus and allow others to sell or give them away with another offer. This is viral marketing.
2) Include Restrictions in Your Ebook resale right -- By simply giving away your eBook master resale right, it may simply look unprofessional.
3) If Selling, Set A Minimum Price -- If you plan on selling your eBook resale right, set a minimum price in your terms and conditions of use to protect your EBook’s value.
4) Do Not Allow Product on Auctions Sites – Auction sites are notorious for depreciating certain products’ values. If you allow resellers to place auctions on internet sites like EBay, plan on losing a few buyers before you even got them. Buyers do their research too, and having lots of your Ebooks selling on eBay for cheap doesn’t help your image.
5) Restrict the Use of Spam – This is very essential. Spam is the internets major problem. These days, plans and software are blocking out things that look “fishy”. You’ll get a bad name for yourself and worst of all, get “boote6) Include Quality Links and Advertisements – Even if you are considering on just giving away your Ebook resale right, make sure you’ve made connections with genuine affiliates. This is where you make all the money. Being able to sell your Ebooks is great, but a good chunk on your profits comes from people clicking on your links and buying products. They buy because they believe you are a profession and they trust you. That’s why writing a good Ebook is necessary. Enjoy selling your Ebook and your Ebook resale right by making money and getting famous from it. You also get your much needed traffic! Just remember to use discretion when creating your terms and conditions. Keep your resell right high in quality and if you’re successful, it will be circulating the web frequently and worldwide for a long time to come.d” from all major internet sites.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

adsense is money making strategy from the efforts of googel

AdSense is a money making strategy from the efforts of Google. It is a less traditional format than the conventional affiliate style program. The entire nature of the program is intended to help you improve your cash flow, but it is necessary to understand how the program works.
When a publisher who signed up for Google AdSense through your referral earns $5.00 within 180 days of sign up, you will be credited with $5.00. When that same publisher earns $100.00 within 180 days of sign up and is eligible for payout, you will be credited with an additional $250.00. If, in any 180 day period, you refer 25 publishers who each earn more than $100.00 and are all eligible for payout, you will be awarded a $2,000.00 bonus.
Sounds great, but it takes a little more effort than just filling out an online application. The application is a necessary step. This allows AdSense to know what ads to pair with your site. Upon other portions of the application including personal information, account set up and payment preferences, the application will be reviewed. If AdSense does not accept your application immediately, constructive critiques are given to make necessary improvements to become an AdSense member.

So why is AdSense so much better than other affiliate programs out there?

Google is a widely know search engine that has an extensive database of advertisers, but in addition the advertisers are well matched to one another so the content is well matched. The criteria for AdSense and matching advertising includes looking at the product or service, the geography of the company as well as the size.

AdSense does not require a fee to participate in the affiliate program, but it does take a good amount of time and effort to properly set up features and filters specific to your website.
Aside from AdSense fees you are still responsible to pay for any design, domain and hosting charges associated with your website.

AdSense Takes Work to Earn Money

The saying ‘build and they will come’ does not apply to websites. Just because you build a website does not guarantee hundreds of hits a day. You may not even get hundreds of hits in a month. Without the traffic, it will be tough to make the most of AdSense.

Building traffic can be a challenge until you find that special spot, but often it takes numerous tries. Some efforts that often work include marketing through, blogs, chat rooms, forums and classifieds.
The best thing about adsense is that it also allows you to use a service called google adwords, this can allow you to carry out a research on keywords and target the ones which are most searched and allow you to increase the traffic on your websites and also improve the page rank.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Earning Money With Affiliate Programs and Google Explained

Starting a business has never been cheaper, quicker, or easier… you don’t even need your own product…
…Because with the search engine Google and a commission for every sale of somebody else’s product you generate, you can get your first sale for under $30 in mere hours worth of work.
Compare this to other businesses that take months of intense work to start-up and thousands of dollars in investment.
Let me explain how it works:
The search engine Google has millions of searches taking place at every moment. Each one is by a searcher looking for information or a solution to a problem that is troubling him or her.
With Google Adwords advertising program, you can make your ad show-up when somebody types in these terms… and you don’t even need your own product. There are thousands of retailers that offer you up to 70% commission for every product you sell.
Most notably, has thousands of hot products you can sell for 40-70% commissions.
All you have to do to make a quick commission is pick a product from the Clickbank database, set-up a Google Adwords’ campaign and watch the sales flow-in!
Of course, to get the most out of it, it is best to set-up your own website and pre-sell the customer as to why they need a product, but is not required to start earning sales.
So, in as little as 1 hour from now and as little as a $28 start-up budget you can gain your first sale! Then, as the money starts rolling in you can expand to start generating thousands of dollars of income a month…
…For probably the world’s quickest, easiest, and cheapest business to start!
By Rod Beckwith and Jeff Alderson

The Top Five Secrets to Advertising Strategies, Starting With Your First Ad

An advertising strategy is a campaign developed to communicate ideas about products and services to potential consumers in the hopes of convincing them to buy those products and services.
The Top Five Secrets to Advertising Strategies, Starting With Your First Ad .
Today, most advertising strategies focus on achieving three general goals, as the Small Business Administration indicated in Advertising Your Business: 1) promote awareness of a business and its product or services; 2) stimulate sales directly and "attract competitors' customers"; and 3) establish or modify a business' image. In other words, advertising seeks to inform, persuade, and remind the consumer. With these aims in mind, most businesses follow a general process which ties advertising into the other promotional efforts and overall marketing objectives of the business.
An advertising strategy is a campaign developed to communicate ideas about products and services to potential consumers in the hopes of convincing them to buy those products and services. This strategy, when built in a rational and intelligent manner, will reflect other business considerations (overall budget, brand recognition efforts) and objectives (public image enhancement, market share growth) as well. Even though a small business has limited capital and is unable to devote as much money to advertising as a large corporation, it can still develop a highly effective advertising campaign. The key is creative and flexible planning, based on an in-depth knowledge of the target consumer and the avenues that can be utilized to reach that consumer.
As a business begins, one of the major goals of advertising must be to generate awareness of the business and its products. Once the business' reputation is established and its products are positioned within the market, the amount of resources used for advertising will decrease as the consumer develops a kind of loyalty to the product. Ideally, this established and ever-growing consumer base will eventually aid the company in its efforts to carry their advertising message out into the market, both through its purchasing actions and its testimonials on behalf of the product or service.
Essential to this rather abstract process is the development of a "positioning statement, a positioning statement explains how a company's product (or service) is differentiated from those of key competitors. With this statement, the business owner turns intellectual objectives into concrete plans. In addition, this statement acts as the foundation for the development of a selling proposal, which is composed of the elements that will make up the advertising message's "copy platform." This platform delineates the images, copy, and art work that the business owner believes will sell the product.
With these concrete objectives, the following elements of the advertising strategy need to be considered: target audience, product concept, communication media, and advertising message. These elements are at the core of an advertising strategy, and are often referred to as the "creative mix." Again, what most advertisers stress from the beginning is clear planning and flexibility. And key to these aims is creativity, and the ability to adapt to new market trends. A rigid advertising strategy often leads to a loss of market share. Therefore, the core elements of the advertising strategy need to mix in a way that allows the message to envelope the target consumer, providing ample opportunity for this consumer to become acquainted with the advertising message.
1. TARGET CONSUMER The target consumer is a complex combination of persons. It includes the person who ultimately buys the product, as well as those who decide what product will be bought (but don't physically buy it), and those who influence product purchases, such as children, spouse, and friends. In order to identify the target consumer, and the forces acting upon any purchasing decision, it is important to define three general criteria in relation to that consumer, as discussed by the Small Business Administration:

1 .Demographics—Age, gender, job, income, ethnicity, and hobbies.
2. Behaviors—When considering the consumers' behavior an advertiser needs to examine the consumers' awareness of the business and its competition, the type of vendors and services the consumer currently uses, and the types of appeals that are likely to convince the consumer to give the advertiser's product or service a chance.
3. Needs and Desires—here an advertiser must determine the consumer needs—both in practical terms and in terms of self-image, etc.—and the kind of pitch/message that will convince the consumer that the advertiser's services or products can fulfill those needs.

2. PRODUCT CONCEPT The product concept grows out of the guidelines established in the "positioning statement." How the product is positioned within the market will dictate the kind of values the product represents, and thus how the target consumer will receive that product. Therefore, it is important to remember that no product is just itself, but, a "bundle of values" that the consumer needs to be able to identify with. Whether couched in presentations that emphasize sex, humor, romance, science, masculinity, or femininity, the consumer must be able to believe in the product's representation.

3. COMMUNICATION MEDIA The communication media is the means by which the advertising message is transmitted to the consumer. In addition to marketing objectives and budgetary restraints, the characteristics of the target consumer need to be considered as an advertiser decides what media to use. The types of media categories from which advertisers can choose include the following:

Print—primarily newspapers (both weekly and daily) and magazines.
Audio—FM and AM radio.
Video—Promotional videos, infomercials.
World Wide Web.
Direct mail.
Outdoor advertising—Billboards, advertisements on public transportation (cabs, buses).

After deciding on the medium that is 1) financially in reach, and 2) most likely to reach the target audience, an advertiser needs to schedule the broadcasting of that advertising. The media schedule, as defined by Hills, is "the combination of specific times (for example, by day, week, and month) when advertisements are inserted into media vehicles and delivered to target audiences."

4. ADVERTISING MESSAGE An advertising message is guided by the "advertising or copy platform," which is a combination of the marketing objectives, copy, art, and production values. This combination is best realized after the target consumer has been analyzed, the product concept has been established, and the media and vehicles have been chosen. At this point, the advertising message can be directed at a very concrete audience to achieve very specific goals. There are three major areas that an advertiser should consider when endeavoring to develop an effective "advertising platform":

What are the product's unique features?
How do consumers evaluate the product? What is likely to persuade them to purchase the product?
How do competitors rank in the eyes of the consumer? Are there any weaknesses in their positions? What are their strengths?

5. COPY When composing advertising copy it is crucial to remember that the primary aim is to communicate information about the business and its products and services. The "selling proposal" can act as a blueprint here, ensuring that the advertising fits the overall marketing objectives. Many companies utilize a theme or a slogan as the centerpiece of such efforts, emphasizing major attributes of the business's products or services in the process. While something must be used to animate the theme …care must be taken not to lose the underlying message in the pursuit of memorable advertising."

When writing the copy, direct language (saying exactly what you mean in a positive, rather than negative manner) has been shown to be the most effective. The theory here is that the less the audience has to interpret, or unravel the message, the easier the message will be to read, understand, and act upon. As Jerry Fisher observed in Entrepreneur, "Two-syllable phrases like 'free book,' 'fast help,' and 'lose weight' are the kind of advertising messages that don't need to be read to be effective. By that I mean they are so easy for the brain to interpret as a whole thought that they're 'read' in an eye blink rather than as linear verbiage. So for an advertiser trying to get attention in a world awash in advertising images, it makes sense to try this message-in-an-eye-blink route to the public consciousness—be it for a sales slogan or even a product name."

The copy content needs to be clearly written, following conventional grammatical guidelines. Of course, effective headings allow the reader to get a sense of the advertisement's central theme without having to read much of the copy. An advertisement that has "50% off" in bold black letters is not just easy to read, but it is also easy to understand.


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Advertising Your Online Business with Ezine Solo Ads

How ezine solo ads can boost your business.
Everyone knows that in order to make your internet business a huge success, you must advertise, advertise, advertise...One of the ways to do this is by creating ezine solo ads. These are email advertisements with your URL and sales page links that get distributed to a targeted group of people who are already subscribed to other people’s ezines or newsletters, and interested in what you have to offer. Because the people receiving your ad are already opt-in subscribers to other people’s newsletters, you are not sending out spam. With ezine solo ads, you have the opportunity to market your business in an email that contains only your advertisement and nothing else. The beauty of it is that if you don’t already have a big list of opt-in subscribers to your own newsletter, then you can send your ad to other people’s opt-in lists, and this may translate into huge sales for you with minimal effort!
Submitting your ads to the thousands of available ezines over the internet can be one of the easiest ways to advertise because all you do is create the ad, and make an order for a solo ad. The solo ads range in price from maybe $30-$200+ to suit your budget. The more expensive the solo ads, the larger the number of subscribers your ad is sent to, and probably the quicker your ad will be displayed. The subscriber numbers can vary from maybe 1000-87000+ and it is recommended that you submit at least 3 solo ads to the ezines, and do this regularly.
To find out where to send your solo ad, you can join the Directory of Ezines. For a small membership fee you can have access to the most complete list of ezines available on the net and search for your niche, subscriber list size, price, etc. Members are even entitled to a discount.
I would say the main disadvantage of the ezine solo ad is the time it takes to send out ads in the cheaper price ranges. The delay can sometimes be frustrating when you want to see results fast, and the only way to avoid that is by paying for the more expensive solo ads. You should also make sure your ad doesn’t sound like everyone else’s ad, otherwise people will recognize and skip over it. It may be wise to invest in or download a free ebook on writing good ad copy to make sure you use the words that capture people’s attention, make them interested in clicking on your links, and potentially making a purchase.

How Google Adsense Generate Some Revenue From Their Blogs?

Since its introduction in 2003, the Google Adsense program has greatly help bloggers defray hosting charges and other costs related to running blogs.Blogging can be very expensive especially when you have high levels of traffic and numerous pages. Many are turning to Google Adsense to generate some revenue from their blogs .
When you join the Adsense program, you get access to Adsense for content which places ads on your content pages. Because the ads are targeted to what visitors are looking for on your blog or they match the interests of the visitors your content attracts, you earn and at the same time enhance your content pages. Google uses its vast search technology resources to serve ads based on blog content. In this regard, Adsense has become a popular choice for placing advertisements on a blog because the content of the ads is relevant to the blog. For example, ads for kitchen utensils will appear on a blog post about healthy cooking. Google has an extensive inventory of ads for all categories, business, practically for all kinds of content. If Google is unable to display targeted ads on your blog page, you can display a default ad of your choice.

A companion to the Adsense for content is the Adsense for search. It allows you to add a Google search box on your pages. This keeps the visitors on your blog longer since they can search from right on your blog. When a visitor searches the web using the search box, Google shares any ad revenue it makes from those searches with you and you shell nothing to participate.

Another recent addition is the Adsense for feeds. This runs on RSS and Atom feeds. RSS and Atom feeds are standards for publishing regular updates to blog-based content. Ads are displayed in the most suitable feed articles. You are paid for your blog original content; visitors see appropriate advertising and more relevant feeds to choose from.

Once you are accepted, all you need is a bit of javascript code to incorporate the advertisements into the accepted blog site. Google does the rest like providing appropriate ad links from its inventory of clients to your blog. Targeted ads will start showing up on your blog.

How It Works

There are two sides to Google advertising one for advertisers selling a product or service called Ad words and Adsense for blog publishers. Advertisers pay Google to have their ads designed using Ad words appear next to the search page results in Google and a list of significant keywords for their offerings. Google will display an ad only if the provided keywords conform to a visitor search. An advertiser pays Google on a cost per click (CPC) basis. This means an advertiser pays only for that ad if the visitor clicks on the ad and visits the advertiser's site. Advertisers compete with one another to buy search keywords usually from five cents and above. Nevertheless, Google also takes into consideration the search engine ranking of the advertiser blog, so no one site can just buy keywords. For example, a purchase of the keywords digital camera produces ads next to Google search result in its home page. Said purchasealso shows Adsense ads for digital cameras on other blogs where digital cameras are mentioned.

For their part, blog publishers using Adsense create relevant pages. Google sends out Mediabots (digital robots) which use special algorithms to crawl the host blog page and evaluate the content to determine what keywords are relevant and report the result to Google ad server which then serves the appropriate ads. Blog publishers get paid a percentage of the fee that Google receives from the advertiser. This is done through a combination of a pay per click (PPC) and pay per impression basis. Impression is the number of times a specific ad has been displayed. A blog publisher is reimbursed at a fixed rate per thousand impressions. If a page isn’t significant enough, a blog publisher doesn’t get paid as much. There is no charge for the blog publisher to join Adsense. All costs are covered by the advertiser who participates in Adwords.

How Much Money It Makes

The amount of money you (blog publisher) can expect from Google Adsense depends upon several factors. If your blog draws tons of traffic and you focus on a particular niche, Google will serve ads that appeal to visitors of your site. For instance, if you maintain a popular blog devoted to portable media player, you can make a windfall because of the high level of competition for related keywords. Rates for competitive keywords can exceed $1 which impacts your blog earning potential. Conversely, if you are in a less competitive niche, you get occasional traffic only, thus less visitors click on your ads which equates to less money earned.

How much each advertisement pays per generated click is also another important factor. Each Adsense ad is not worth the same. An ad may give you ten cents while another may give you $1 per click. It depends on the demand for that kind of ad. If a number of advertisers are bidding for the same advertising space, the advertiser offering the most per click will get their ad displayed first.
Ad formats and placements influence revenue. Placing ads on the right part of the blog page is significant so that visitors looking at your page will see the ad, at the same time it will be not be overly intrusive to put visitors off.
Fundamentally though, it is all about content. To make money from Adsense, you have to know what your visitors are looking for. It may be information on a topic, a product they want to buy or a service they want to avail of and entertainment. Offering visitors good content will generate highly relevant ads which in turn will draw more clicks on the ads displayed. To optimize content, the same basic rules for search engine optimization apply.
Google doesn’t publish the percentage it takes as a commission and only displays what the blog owner receives in member reports. However, you can make a rough estimate. The average click through rate (CTR) for online advertising is generally around 0.5 to 1%. CTR is the rate at which visitors click an advertisement usually calculated as a percentage of ad impressions (number of times a specific ad has been displayed). What each click pays is dependent on the content and keywords that are generating the ads being served.
Although Google doesn’t release the amount it pays for keywords, you can sign up as an advertiser on top of being a participant in the Adsense program for $5 and see for yourself how much advertisers are paying Google for various click through. For example, a thousand page views with Google ads on them per day, at 1% click through rate and 25 cents per click will yield $2.50 per day. Not a lot but it can cover hosting fees or service fees.
Google Adsense is not a get rich quick program. But there are documented cases of bloggers earning as much as $5,000 a month and more. In fact, Jason Calacanis sold his blog network, Weblogs Inc. for a whopping $25 - $40 million on Google Adsense revenues of $1 million yearly. There isn’t any sense why a blogger can’t earn much from Google Adsense program. Definitely, there are thousands of dollars worth of reasons to make money from Google Adsense

Affiliate Marketing - Google Adsense program allows to display!

A lot of people are lured by affiliate marketing because it can be financially rewarding, even if you just stay at home. Affiliate marketing programs are the best alternatives to those who are sick and tired of their arduous daily work just to climb up the venerated corporate ladder. You don’t need products to sell, you just have to market them on your own web site and you don’t have to worry about processing the customers’ payments and the shipment of the products. If you are already into affiliate marketing, you probably were thinking about these benefits, too, before deciding to join an affiliate program. Of course you want to earn a huge commission. Who wouldn't? Keep in mind, however, that affiliate marketing cannot guarantee you instant success if you don’t work on it. There are a lot of ways of maximizing your income. The Internet is a huge library of information; use it to learn of other opportunities and ways to increase your income. You can partner with several merchandisers and promote different products on your website; thereby, increasing your chance to earn a commission. The easiest way for you to rev up your revenue potential is by incorporating Google Adsense into your marketing campaigns you can visit .

What is Google Adsense? What are its advantages? How can it boost my revenues? These are some of the questions you might want to ask. Let’s try to probe into Google Adsense, so you would know how it could help you in your affiliate marketing program. Merchants place their ads in Google, which is one of the most popular search engines or tools for locating various resources in the World Wide Web. Now the Google Adsense program allows you to display these ads in you website and when your visitors click through them, you earn. The advertiser, which is the merchant, pays Google for every click-through made by the customer and you as a partner of Google, gets a share from that payment. What’s great about the Google Adsense is that the ads are relevant to the content of your web page. Most likely, visitors of your web site are interested on the theme of your site and specifically, on the content of your web page. So, seeing ads related to their interest would definitely drive them to click through the link or the ad. Using state-of-the-art technology, Google scans your web site and matches the content of your pages to their large database of advertisers; this way, Google is able to find ads that are targeted by the users of your site. In addition, Google changes the ads in your site as you change the content of your pages, so you can always expect the ads to be relevant to your site.
Having Google ads in your website is also a way of convincing your users to return to your site. Repeat customers multiply your income without having to exert extra effort to convince them again to click through your links. And your potential to earn doesn’t depend on them alone. Since you already have their confidence, they can be your endorsers as well. They could refer your site to family and friends who probably share the same interests with them. Advertisers in the Google Adsense program range from large international brands to small-time domestic and local businesses, so the targeted market for the ads can range as well you can visit This adds variety to your site; thereby, attracting different kinds of users. As you attract more users, you increase your earning potential as well. If you are targeting a specific nationality for your site users, don’t worry because Adsense can be used in different languages. In order to boost your revenues through Google Adsense, you must pay attention to making web pages of high value topics. Make contents related to high-paying ads, so you can earn more. Some ads pay only a few cents while some ads pay you dollars just for a single click. You would need to do a little research on this so you can come up with a more relevant content. Join affiliate marketing forums and get tips from experienced affiliate marketers. Becoming an Adsense affiliate marketer is easy and fast. You just have to apply online and once your application is approved, you can instantly set up Google ads in your site. All you need to do is copy and paste some codes in your web pages and in no time the ads will appear in your site. Strike while the iron is hot! Take advantage of the favorable circumstances the Internet is offering you. Make the most of your affiliate marketing opportunities, use Google Adsense!

Affiliate Marketing Basics - How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Affiliate marketing is a great way to start making money on the internet. It doesn’t require you to have created your own product, the start-up costs are small and beginners can start seeing results relatively quickly. The basic definition is often overcomplicated by marketers, but in simple terms it’s when a publisher agrees to pay an affiliate a percentage of the profits for any visitor they send that buys the product. In effect, an affiliate is a middle man for the publisher’s product.
The affiliate-publisher relationship is attractive to both sides which is what makes it so successful. The affiliate gets to make good money by driving traffic to a site without having to pay the cost of getting a product created. The publisher gets potentially thousands of affiliates driving huge amounts of traffic to his or her sales page.
You can find affiliate programs through many websites, but two of the most popular are Clickbank and Commission Junction. These sites act as networks of publishers looking for affiliates to help sell their products, and you can find companies in most niches on these sites. Clickbank is for digital products, while Commission Junction focuses more on tangible goods, and both sites are free to sign up.
Once you’ve chosen the product you want to promote, in most cases you will be given a unique URL through which you should send all your traffic. Many affiliate schemes have a cookie planted on the visitor once they enter through an affiliate link so that if they leave and return to buy you still get paid the commission. It should be noted at this point that in the majority of cases you should never have to pay to join an affiliate program, so be wary of any that charge.
As previously mentioned, another reason affiliate marketing is so popular amongst new marketers is that the start up cost is very small. In fact it can cost nothing apart from you time as there are plenty of free ways to drive traffic to an affiliate link.
So what are these free ways to get traffic to the affiliate page and eventually earn commissions? There are many but the most popular amongst beginner marketers is article marketing. This method is a good way to start, as most people can write short articles reasonably quickly and start seeing results within a few days. The idea is to write an article on the same topic as the product you’re promoting. Once the article has been written it’s then submitted to an article directory. At the bottom of the article the author is allowed to include a short bio which can include links to a landing page and on this landing page is an affiliate link.
A paid method of traffic generation is to use a Pay-Per-Click search engine such as Google Adwords to buy targeted visitors in your niche. This isn’t recommended for beginners as it has a steep learning curve and has the potential to lose you a lot of money, but is definitely worth considering once you start to see some sales.

Friday, April 17, 2009

___ Are You Sure That Your Website is Crawlable?

Answer to your question is to make sure that your websites are fully crawlable is very important factor of your SEO, especially if you want your sites to rank well for multiple keyword phrases. One of the ways that you can insure that a search engine spider crawls your site very easily if there is “Site Map” page created within your website. A “site map” is a very simple page, which has less importance as far your targetted traffic is concerned, but wehn we talk about the SEO , this has one of most important purpose that is the search engine optimizers, which helps to get those interior pages into a search engine’s index easily and promptly. What is Site Map? A site map is a page that contains a basic HTML link to every page on your web site. A Site maps do not need to be fancy, they just need to contain a logical order and links to all of your pages. Why are we advised, that every web site should have it? Here are the benefits, First, a site map gives your customers an easy navigation to every page in your web site. Now, don’t confuse the use of a site map as a replacement for logical navigation on your regular pages. You want to make sure that your site can be navigated simply and easily from any page on your site. However, very few surfer prefer to see the entire site’s structure on one page and choose their destination from it. Second and important, a site map is a fantastic way to get a search engine spider to see and crawl every single page in your site. When optimizing different pages in your web site for different keywords, a Site map is a perfect solution for ensuring that a spider can get to every one of those optimized pages. Third, and this is also important, that a Site Map provides an opportunity to send link reputation to a particular page.

it is perhaps one of the most important factors in off line search engine optimization. From above, we can say that, the site maps are also an additional way to distribute Google page rank. If your site map is just one link off of the first page, it can pass a significant amount of Google page rank deep into your web site. This helps create a site structure where just about every internal page has the same chance of ranking as well as your home page. Finally, The link of Site Map should be placed on every page of your site. Please remember, no one can give guarantee of position one on any search engine as far as Search engine optimization is concened. However, professionally experts do their best and follow the procedures and maintain quality and required quantity, than there is no doubt that we can bring your website on the top position of any search engine. For More information visit our quality search engine optimization blog

__Earn Money Reviewing Products

Would you like to earn extra cash for reviewing products you normally use? Below are a few online companies that pay for reviews. The article also includes other ways to make money reviewing products or services. pays $1.50 per review accepted. If the review does not meet their criteria, you can choose to earn the bulk rate or the regular rate divided by 5. They accept reviews on anything including airlines, electronics, hotels, and websites. Reviews accepted by ReviewStream may not be published elsewhere. You also earn money if readers vote for your review. The minimum payout is $50. is review site where you can earn money from Amazon or Adsense (Google Ads). You earn commission if readers purchase the product you reviewed through Amazon. You also earn revenue if people click on the Adsense ads on the page of your reviews. pays you to review the software found on their site. They pay up to $50 depending on how great the review is. The minimum amount you can earn per review is $1. The reviews must be original and don’t have to be positive. The best contributors receive free stuff. The minimum payout is $200. and pay up to $5 for book and movie reviews. They pay 5 cents if someone has already reviewed the book or movie, $1 - $2 if the review is somewhat detailed, and $5 if the review is really detailed. currently doesn’t accept reviews of horror stories, short stories, children’s books, e-books, books without a central plot, or books under 200 pages in length. currently doesn’t accept reviews of horror movies, Indian films, remakes of the same name, or straight to TV movies. Reviewers can only earn a maximum of $1000 and the minimum payout is $50. pays for video reviews (videopinions). You earn $0.01 each time your video is played. ExpoTV also runs promotions where you can earn even more money. With the current promotion, reviewers are paid $5 per review (up to 50). ExpoTV also accepts video reviews of recent movies and pays $5 per published review. For a limited time, ExpoTV is paying $10 when you refer a friend and one of their videopinions gets accepted and published. They pay once a month through Paypal.

com gives members (agents) free products and services and pays them to share their opinions with family, friends, on their blog, on forums, etc. Agents don’t get paid but keep the products they reviewed. They also receive special offers and discounts for themselves and their friends. pays $3 – $20 for reviews and articles. is a site where reviewers are paid based on the amount of views they receive. If you own a blog that has been active for at least 3 months, you can earn extra cash by reviewing products and services within blog posts. Companies like,, and pay you a fixed amount of money to discuss or mention advertiser products within your blog.

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__ Affiliate Marketing 4 Dummies: An Ingenious Method To Sky Rocket Affiliate Commissions Exponentially

In the world of the Internet and in particular Internet Marketing, there are many opportunities available to prosper and make money on the Internet. These opportunities are not restricted and may be in the form of adsense, selling ebooks, web designing, offering a service to other web masters, or what many would consider one of the easiest and fastest ways to start making an income on the Internet, Affiliate Marketing.

The purpose of this article is to concentrate on Affiliate Marketing and in particular, the benefits of a product that I have recently tried and evaluated and that is Affiliate Marketing 4 Dummies. As already mentioned, Affiliate Marketing is a sure-fire method to start making money online and also one of the fastest, but there is more to this type of marketing than meets the eye. I mean let's be realistic about this. If it was all so very simple to start making huge amounts of cash then just about everybody would be doing it and they would all be living the 'high flyer' life styles that only a few of us have had the privilege of being able to do.

Affiliate Marketing and making a healthy income from it is indeed easy, but wait, there's more! It is only easy when you know how. And this is the reason why some marketers fail miserably, and why other affiliate marketers are sitting back, enjoying the sun, drinking the finest of wines and reaping the recurring rewards from there affiliate commissions.

I recently read Affiliate Marketing 4 Dummies by Affiliate Marketing Guru, Kirk Smith and I have to be totally blunt with you; His ebook is seriously awesome in every sense of the word. Some of the tips and demonstrations he gives are just plain 'freaky'. It's like you find yourself saying to yourself, "hey, now why the heck didn't I think of that". Of course, without somebody telling you first, you just wouldn't have a clue, or at least the majority of us wouldn't anyway.

Kirk Smith covers some very interesting pointers in his ebook such as: -

The top three tactics that really work in Affiliate Marketing. Without these, you'll be floundering before you start.
How to make 10 sales a day just for starters!
A vital question to ask yourself before committing any of your valuable time or resources to ANY Affiliate Marketing program. This tip alone could save you YEARS of wasted effort.
The importance of Affiliate program statistics what you need to know and what to look for when selecting your Affiliate program.

Which programs to avoid like the plague if you want to maintain your good reputation in the marketplace!
The inside line on a FREE service that every aspiring affiliate marketer needs to know about.
The 10 vital signs that you have finally found the RIGHT Affiliate marketing program for you.
A free and fun way to drive oodles of targeted traffic to your Affiliate site for more online profits!
How to get the insider information that the Affiliate companies don't want you to know and why you must do this if you want to go into your Affiliate marketing career with your eyes open.

How to get 5 to 10 no-effort, fully optimised blogs per day driving quality traffic and sales TO YOU, using a revolutionary breakthrough tool that any serious Internet marketer needs if they want to get an edge on the competition.

How to get easy extra profits from a $2 billion a year industry - and how you can add this income stream to your site or blog as easily as A B C.

How to get completely FREE advertising. Use this secret method to exchange 'raw' visitors to your site for highly targeted surfers who are much more likely to BUY!

The above outlines just a few of the benefits that comes with Affiliate Marketing 4 Dummies and after reading this powerful ebook you will be fully loaded with all the 'ammo' you need to get out there and start making those whopping commissions. On face of it, Kirk Smith seems to have hit on something that many writers of Affiliate Marketing ebooks and manuals have missed. His writing and demonstrations are clear and very easy to understand and put to use right away, even for a 'dummy' like me.

If Affiliate Marketing is an area that you want to explore or perhaps have already tried but with no success, then Affiliate Marketing 4 Dummies is certainly a product worth considering. You even get a free report just for showing an interest in the ebook.

__ Afraid to Join an Affiliate Marketing Membership Site, Like Buying Wealthy Affiliate?

Many people who want their own online business face the decision whether to join an affiliate marketing membership site that charges a fee. Considering the risks as well as the benefits should help you make a decision like whether to buy Wealthy Affiliate.
-->Risks of joining a fee-charging affiliate marketing membership site
There is only one direct risk in this case: the risk that you will spend money to join and then decide that you are not receiving the value you expected. Although there is only this one risk, the fear it creates is very strong, because no one wants to feel like they have wasted their money or their time.
A related risk is that you may join such a program, use the tools, techniques and support provided, and still end up failing at creating an online business focused on affiliate marketing. In this case also, the fear is of wasting your money and time. This risk really doesn't have to do with joining such a program, it has to do with how well you apply any program you use.
If you believe the common myth that 95% of online businesses fail, starting a successful one seems like an almost impossible task with insurmountable risk, and can lead you to say you can't take the chance.
In reality, that 95% figure is a myth. The SBA (Small Business Administration) Office of Advocacy at reports a study of firms started in the 2nd quarter of 1998. The conclusion: Sixty-six percent of new small businesses survive two years or more, and 40 percent survive six years or more. That's a lot better picture than a 95% failure rate!
And as far as being afraid of not receiving the value you expect for what you pay, the only way to overcome that fear is to research the fee-charging and free sites before you buy so that you know what is included.
-->Main benefit of joining a fee-charging affiliate marketing membership site

There are affiliate membership sites like Warrior Forum and Digital Point that are free to join, and there are sites like Wealthy Affiliate that cost a fee to maintain your membership. Free sites will typically have forums with dozens of discussion topics such as pay per click marketing, affiliate marketing or article marketing. There will also be some free resources available on these sites, and many products for sale. However, you will have a hard time finding a free membership site that has all the resources and tools you need to succeed at internet marketing all in one place.

Like the free sites, fee-charging affiliate marketing membership sites have forums which you can participate in and get advice to help you get stronger in your marketing skills.

But beyond that, the main benefit is that the paid sites have many resources and tools that are included in the price.
Just a few examples available at Wealthy Affiliate are:
* tutorials
* a comprehensive 8 week plan
* access to Kyle and Carson the owners
* web hosting* a web site builder
* keyword research tool
* article writing tool
* link cloaking tool
* a new niche campaign each month

Fear of risking failure (and losing money) led me to take a year before I decided to buy Wealthy Affiliate. I spent a massive amount of time searching all over the internet for the best way to approach having my own online business. I honestly wish I had that year back and had decided to jump in, join the community and start using the tools there when I first heard about it. Don't waste a year. Get the resources that can help you build a successful online business.

__ Learn Google Ad Words Without Leaving the Office

Want to drive traffic to your website? I’m sure the answer is yes! But if you’re like most of us you’re so busy working your business that you don’t take time to grow or promote your business. If you learn to use a few tips and tricks with Google Ad Words you can set things up to drive traffic to your site. In our “Without Leaving the Office” series we look at how using ad words can increase your online exposure. When people are searching for something you want them to find you, your product or your service. If you use the appropriate ad words your website will come up at or near the top of the list. I was recently researching a story on laptop bags. I did a search and found a wonderful little company called Run Away Rabbit. They came up first in the list so I looked into what they had. Now, Run Away Rabbit is the maker of the classic bunny slippers and other soft and comfortable accessories. I didn’t expect to find a laptop bag on their site, but it was there. They call their bags the “Pretty Bag” and a laptop fits perfectly into it. When I spoke with the owner, she mentioned that they use ad words. For this company that was a very smart choice. Without the adwords some other company would have come up at the top of the list.

Web Savvy ( understands the use of adwords, and they also understand that many business owners don’t even know how to get started. On their site, you will find a free 5-day video course where the presenter, Mike Rhodes walks you through the steps that it takes to get started. The video is easy to access, simply by entering your name and email address and by replying to verification. Once the process is complete you get a link to the 1st of the video series. They continue to show up in your box until the course is over. This is one of those “don’t” miss opportunities if you have been thinking about adwords for your business. There’s nothing to buy, plenty of information and you can begin applying what you learn right away. You can learn how to use Google AdWords Without Leaving the Office .

__Rich Schefren, Jay Abraham, Mike Filsaime, Jeff Walker Reveal Million Dollar Strategies

Rich Schefren, Jay Abraham, Mike Filsaime, Jeff Walker, Millionaire Entrepreneurs are in the internet trenches, innovating successful strategies never before used on the internet, then passing them on to their group of savvy entrepreneurs to explode their businesses.

These marketing gurus repeatedly create new original strategies for themselves as well as effectively transplant them on to others.

There are numerous common strategies all successful people on the internet now use to give them tremendous advantages over their competitors. Let's face it, we are all experiencing the increasing competition to dominate our niches.

Some of the common core steps are listed below:

1) Start to process map your online business. 2) Learn project management. 3) Build leverage and scalability into your business. 4) Become fanatical about the numbers of your business. 5) Use an effective time management system. 6) Analyze your log and identify your routine tasks. 7) Automate as many things as possible starting with the easiest to automate. 8) Outsource 1 item at a time starting with the most time consuming first. 9) Hire an employee that will take over the largest number of your responsibilities.

Each of the above activities involves a series of unique details that are carefully crafted to guarantee success. It is not about doing them, but rather doing them correctly.

You want to begin by separating your activities and tasks into productive time and non-productive time.
Productive time is spent creating products, marketing products, improving your marketing process, managing money making projects, setting up joint venture deals and creating leverage in your business. Non-productive time is everything else, including answering emails, phones, day to day tasks running the business, etc.
If you realistically have two productive hours five days a week (520 hours a year) to make $ 260,000 a year, then you need to produce $ 500 an hour of productive time.

The bottom line is exactly how do you leverage your internet business to increase your productive hourly income each day?

There are basically two ways work should be done in the business:
project is a temporary goal with a beginning and an end performed by people and constrained by resources. You need to learn project management techniques. A Project ultimately should begin and end without you and they make money without you.

Do what you do best and outsource the rest.

What are you good at? What are your core competencies?

A lack of project management skills can cause outsourcing challenges.

Hire niche researchers to find products, keywords, volume, affiliate programs.

Hire ghostwriters to write eBooks, sales-letters, the name capture, the tip email series and the forced consumption emails, articles, affiliate emails, affiliate eBook review, the banner copy and everything else.
At the top of the pyramid is Strategic, then Management and at the base is Tactical Business Metrics.
Look at the numbers of your business to find opportunities to expand. Process, out sourcing, study product roll out
The Business Builder builds scale (leverage-efficiency) The Coordinator (manager-out sourcing) and Technician (you do not want to be in that role)
You get rid of the technician by hiring free-lancers from;; Also Technician Universe can be used to find– Copywriters, Web Designers, Technical Projects, Ghost Writers, Virtual Assistants, Program Developer.
Look for people to establish a long time repeat relationship. Then get rid of the person who manages. Hire two people, one outsources Copywriters, Ghost Writers, Virtual Assistants, Graphic Designers and the other person outsources Web Designers, Technical Projects, Virtual Assistants, and Project Developer.
You can see just from this brief glimpse how much rich valuable material is available to the self-employed entrepreneur ambitious enough to dare to evolve into a millionaire internet business.

_Retirement Income And Affiliate Marketing

With retirement just around the corner, it is never too early to start earning your retirement income.As an entrepreneur, there is nothing more gratifying than being able to work from the comfort of your own home. While the internet offers a plethora of amazing opportunities, it is residual income that presents the most appealing benefit.

One of the worst mistakes you can make is overlook how quickly retirement will be coming up. The longer you put off saving for retirement, the longer it will be before you can actually retire. If you intend on working your entire life, then this does not necessarily apply to you. But for most people, retirement is something to look forward to.

The first thing you want to do is have a financial plan for your retirement. In order to prepare your self for what is to come and to help with your decision making you must have a plan. Without a proper financial plan, you will find yourself in financial trouble when it comes to retirement time. Luckily, residual income is a fairly easy way for you to start earning supplemental retirement income today.
In case you are unfamiliar with the term, residual income is fairly similar to passive income. The difference between the two is passive income comes from owning real estate while residual income comes from owning a business. While your initial effort no longer exists,the money continues to flow in. This does not mean there is no effort required whatsoever, but typically the effort is exerted in the beginning.
Sellceting a business that will earn you quality residual income is a key part of planning for retirement. It is up to you to research and determine which of the many affiliate programs are scams and which are legitimate. Most people will look to start a home based business because of the low start-up costs and tremendous opportunity they present.
What you have to realize about a home based business is it is not a guaranteed money maker overnight. However, it will teach you valuable skills you need to progress and you will be able to earn retirement income along the way.
It is essential you begin planning and preparing today,if you want to retire at a decent age with enough income for the future. affiliate marketing and starting a home business are great ways for you to earn residual income and begin your road toward retirement.

Rich Schefren’s New Internet Marketing Strategies Blow Away The Competition

One of the first things is to not have customers with one-on-one e-mail contact with you. You develop a customer system where even if it was you managing it, it didn't look like it was you. You could then outsource or put a person or system into place easily without having your customer base suddenly upset with you for not being personally available anymore.

Another area is not to be your own Webmaster. Start outsourcing at first on a piece by piece basis. The best thing is to have things that you know have to be done, but you don't know how to do them so you plug people and systems into place who do know.

It quickly becomes necessary to know all the numbers of your business so you can see what needs to be changed, and whether the change improved anything.

Leverage starts with thinking that it's good enough to find systems or other people that can do it as well as it needs to be done to accomplish the objective. It doesn't have to be any better or even as good as you are.

If you have a problem trying to get it all done by yourself in the beginning, the problems will only grow exponentially terribly quickly as you become larger.

You start asking yourself constantly, how can this get done without me?

The problem is that almost everybody gets this wrong! Answer: A real business continues to grow with or without you.The pattern that everybody gets swept up into and keeps their business from growing is to try to do everything themselves. They typically only have time to build one or two websites.

Some of the many things that have to be done in having a successful Internet business: Content, List, Finance, Technical, System, Sales, Traffic, Client Relationships, Market Analysis, Business Building, Legal + Compliance, Affiliate Marketing.

Each of these categories has many many tasks associated with them. For example, take Content: You need: Articles, Content Pages, Software, Audio, Video, Physical books, e-books, Graphics, free reports, e-courses, e-zines, bonuses, blog entries, etc.

This model does not work on line.

You want to only do the WHAT as the CEO, not the HOW.

Traditionally, you do everything yourself on line and don't have enough time to do everything needed to make the business grow. Don't to be self employed, don't be a do-it-yourselfer. You don't want to be an employee so instead you do everything yourself and become self employed, working even more than as an employee.

A business owner is what you want to be. Opposite of self employed.

Business Owners like to surround themselves with smart people from all four categories (employees, self-employed, business owners and investors.

Why do it yourself when you can hire someone else to do it for you, and they can do it better?

A self employed person typically creates a job for themselves by doing everything themselves. You want to evolve into a business as quickly as possible. You can see that it is easy to grow profitably when you get out of the way and have put the business on automatic pilot. Imagine having your business able to grow without you.

Increase your Traffic and Sales with Google Shopping

A great way to complement your search engine optimisation campaign and increase traffic and sales to your website is Google shopping. Below I will discuss what Google shopping is and how it can help your business grow online.

Google shopping or Google base is a directory that displays products that websites sell online. For example if you type “Puma shorts” into Google the top results will be from Google shopping here it will display around three results from the Google shopping directory. You can then click into the directory itself and can see more results. The directory will show you prices, images and were to buy this product.

I think you can realise how important it is for your business to be listed in here as this can bring your site targeted traffic that can bring you more sales.

So how do you get listed in the shopping directory? Well you will need to create a file that gives information about your products for example the image URLs, page URL and product id’s. If you have a sophisticated back office system on your website this file can be created automatically. You can then submit this file to Google and within minutes your products could be live.

Your products will only stay live for around a month so you need to update this on a regular basis. However Google allows you to schedule your uploads and the system will visit your website on a certain date specified by yourself and upload that file to the database.

The system will also give you information on impressions and click through’s of your products very handy indeed.
With this system being free and with it being simple to add your products then there is no reason why you should not be using this system to increase your websites revenue. With there being a credit crunch on at the moment you should be taking advantage of all the free services that can bring your website more sales. Google has always been committed to doing this kind of thing. So the next time you see an ad on Google just take a minute to think of all the great free services that Google provide with there ad revenue.

Affiliate Marketing Success - What to Avoid

Over the past decade, affiliate marketing has become one of the most well known methods for making money online. One of the main reasons that affiliate marketing has become so popular is because of its simplicity and great earning potential. Affiliate marketing can be a very successful field to get into if you know what to do and what not to do when it comes to this ever growing opportunity for making money online. This article will go over five very important things that you as an affiliate marketer should avoid doing when getting started. Avoiding these things will help you get off to a profitable start with affiliate marketing.

In no particular order, here are five things that you should avoid doing as an affiliate marketer.

- You should avoid promoting products that have no demand. One of the keys to being a successful affiliate is, marketing products that people want. It is common for affiliate newbies to try marketing any and everything that they can find. You should only be selling things that people are looking for. You can figure out what people are looking for by doing a few simple searches using different types of keyword search tools that can be found by doing a Google search for "free keyword search tool"

- Stay away from promoting products with crappy sales pages. This is definitely an important thing to avoid because a crappy sales page will get you crappy results. You want to make sure that the sales page of whatever you are marketing is appealing. In many cases, the quality of the sales page is a good indicator of the quality of the product that you are selling. Put yourself in the customers shoes, ask yourself "if I seen this sales page, would I buy the product"?

- Not marketing your affiliate links enough. Even though the concept of affiliate marketing is fairly simple and some real money can be made, not getting your affiliate links out there can be the reason that your affiliate marketing attempts fail. Use as many ways as you possibly can think of to get your affiliate links out there. The more you market the better your results will be. Try thins such as youtube, myspace, posting on forums, myspace, setting up a few blogs. The possibilities are endless, you just have to put your mind to it.

- Do not promote to many products at once. This rule really is for affiliate marketing newbies. Start off by just marketing one or two things. The more products that you are trying to promote, means lesser time spent promoting each one. When getting started, you want to put as much time and effort getting consistent sales with a couple of your affiliate products before adding more to your stable.

Avoid quitting. Many people get easily frustrated after doing a little work and seeing little or no results. Affiliate marketing does take a little time to learn and master, but the longer you do it the better you will become, so keep trying!

Google Search Results: Getting to the top Through KeywordsGoogle Search Results: Getting to the top Through Keywords

One of the items that the Google algorithm looks at when it comes up with the search results window are keywords in content. Keywords are words placed within your content that are related to whatever the person is searching for.

For example, if someone did a search on weight loss techniques, and actually type that phrase in, Google would look for each of those words separately as keywords and return the pages that Google thinks are most relevant to what the person type in, in this case “weight loss techniques”. Sounds simple right?

If you want your website or pages within your website to appear higher in Google search results (and most other search engines as well) you need proper placement of your keywords. Every page on your site is loaded with content, whether it is an article you wrote explaining weight loss techniques, or products you sell that enhance weight loss.

First Google will see your site and see that you do in fact contain the keywords “weight loss techniques” and then what it does is see how relevant your site is to those keywords by viewing what the page is about. If the page is most related to those keywords the higher your page will appear in the results. But lets say you have an article on weight loss techniques, but the bulk of the page is more about nutrition, your site will move down the list. As a side not your Google Page Rank plays a role in where you appear as well, but that goes beyond the scope of this article.

To get the most out of your keywords many experts agree that those keywords should appear within the first couple of sentences of your content and appear multiple times. So for example, let’s say you wrote an article on ten weight loss techniques. In the first 4 to 6 lines of your first paragraph you should mention the words weight, loss, and technique at least 3 times but no more than 5 times.

The above technique does two things. First Google will look at that as being valuable since the keywords appear early and often at the top of the content. Second when Google displays the search result in the window, the user will see the first couple of lines of your content and bold the keywords they were looking for. If the paragraph being displayed is what the user is looking for they will click your link first.

Getting to the top of search engines, especially Google, does take some work. If you can make it to the top 3 positions of keywords closely related to your site it is the equivalent of advertising to thousands of people absolutely free, and that kind of publicity is priceless.

stay currrent on autism news within the community

For over a year or more I have been receiving daily google alerts on the subject of "autism". I get links to all stories found online in one handy email. The options are to receive alerts as it happens, daily or once a week.
The subject line in my emails states google alerts - autism. The email is organized with the clickable link to the title of the story, the source and location with a sentence or two from the corresponding article with the keyword you chose for this alert highlighted.

If the subject of the story has more offerings on this topic another clickable link - see all stories on this topic will be displayed at the bottom of that section. This link opens up a new window to a google search with these links.
The actual link to the stories also open to new windows. At the bottom of the email are links to click on for removing the alert, creating another alert or managing your alerts.
Google Alerts is in BETA. Here is the LINK to create a news alert on search terms. Reasons for creating a google alert is to stay on topic of a current news story or to keep abreast of a subject related to your business. Another option is to follow the industry or stay current on a competitor
I would suggest that non-profit organizations use their company name or logo as a google alert to learn of new stories reflecting on their company and reviews of interest that would benefit their employees, customers, clients or members. This way if you are having a conference in a few months you can monitor the buzz relating to it and get feedback from reading comments in groups and forums.
The four types of google alerts are news, web, news & web and groups. You need to submit an email address and create a password. The email can be sent in text or html format. These can be changed by managing your alerts. If you need to change an email address you will have to re-enter the alerts for the new address and delete current alerts. There is a limit to ten alerts a person can create.

Yahoo! Alerts is available for Breaking News, Keyword News or Daily News Digest. I have the keyword autism set for once a day. There is a tour and sample alerts to consider which one suits your specific needs. The news digest is based on your categories with summaries of the top news stories.

Other alerts in a drop down menu box include for Missing Children, Health News, Auctions, Horoscopes and Weather to name a few. I also get the weather sent by 7 am. The subject line in the email states - Keyword News: [autism] and the sender is Yahoo! Alerts. To sign up for Yahoo! Alerts

This email from Yahoo! Alerts is more detailed. These alerts are also available via messenger, email or mobile device. If you are signed into Yahoo! already the email address you have for these services will be displayed at the sign up page for Yahoo! Alerts. The email has the date and time it is being sent plus the links for Yahoo! News, My alerts and edit alert.
The link is clickable and opens into a new window. The source of the news stories, date and time are included below the link. There is a paragraph from the story. The source is highlighted with no indication of where the keyword is located in the story.

At the end of the email is a link for more news stories on the keyword. This could run into thousands of offerings. The second step is to create your alert by typing in your phrase or keyword. There is a line for include and one for words to not include within your search for Yahoo! Alerts.

I just created a second alert using my name - I think it will be interesting to see what Yahoo! Alerts comes up with. Another resource for those who write on the web and publish articles is to cut and paste your links into the site to search for your content online.

By using these sites you can monitor the news in the autism community, cut down on duplicate emails and find out how the public views your organization.

Galveston Reads Chooses The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time

I read such a wonderful story today in The Daily News from Galveston, Texas. The city has a reading program that is now going to be county-wide. Galveston Reads is such a wonderful and creative concept for a town to initiate. Organizations sponsor events, high school and college students read the book as part of their school work. Galveston Reads is comprised of three committees - publicity and promotions, program planning and fundraising."Galveston Reads has urged everyone in town to read and discuss the same book. This year, the concept has been expanded to include all of Galveston County. The project will kick off with a public reading of excerpts of the book in January, and culminate in March with a panel discussion on autism. County libraries, local businesses, churches, coffee houses and schools will sponsor book discussions throughout the three-month period."According to a CNN transcript from September 30, 2005 it is estimated that 60,000 people reside in Galveston, Texas. Galveston City FactsA google search for more information on Galveston Reads produced the One Book Reading Promotion Projects that are across the U.S.A. and around the world. The USA listings, Canada listings, Australia listings and United Kingdom listings.I am so glad I learned through the "autism" Google Alerts I have set on a daily basis of the Galveston Reads, so I can now persue What California Is Reading.At one time I did purchase The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time but I sold it on ebay for some spare cash. I plan on obtaining the book in hopes of trying to read it at the same time the Galveston Reads program starts. Since April is Autism Awareness month, this is a fantastic way to help raise awareness with all those discussions taking place in March.The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime is available at Amazon. This was also The Today Show Book Club #13Epinions Reviews on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time.Dental IssuesPreparing for a Field Trip.

Getting Well-Versed With Search Engines Requirements

The landscape of the Internet is changing daily. It is not just about the Web site anymore! In today's competitive Internet marketplace it is vital that companies can position their Web site to be found on the Internet.
In order to do that companies must be well versed in what the search engines are looking for and what methods of on-line marketing will be the most effective today.

Companies are looking for solutions when it comes to their on-line marketing efforts. In the old days success was measured by stuffing keywords in Meta tags, looking for linking exchange opportunities, buying links and submitting to as many search engines as possible.

In the past many companies have outsourced their search engine marketing plans. By attending hands-on, non-technical workshops, business owners can learn to optimize and market their own Web sites in as little 3 days and see results quickly.
Web site owners attending the workshop can expect to learn:

 Social Media Marketing Strategies
 Keyword Research
 Which Search Engines and which Directories are Most Important
 How to Stay out of Trouble with the Search Engines
 How to Build Link Popularity
 Working with Blogs
 Google Analytics
 In-depth Review of Google, Yahoo and MSN
 How to Properly Optimize a Page
 Latent Semantic Indexing
 Link Reputation & Link Popularity
 Article Marketing
 Work Around Strategies -- Frames, Flash, Databases Sites, Image Maps, JavaScript
 Pay Per Click Advertising
 Web Site Statistic and Log Analysis
 Personalized Web Site Review
 Receive 6 Months FREE Mentoring Many companies spend hundreds even thousands of dollars monthly on PPC (pay per click) ads. They are in dire need to find other less costly ways to market their Web sites on-line. Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing Workshops put the success of sites back in the hands of their owners.

What is Multilevel Marketing?

Multilevel marketing is a very touchy subject in the business world. Many people, when they hear the term multilevel marketing, immediately think, “pyramid scheme”, which is a very negative connotation.
And while some multilevel marketing companies are perfectly legit and can provide decent residual income to participants, the pyramid scheme description is not completely inaccurate.In general terms, a multilevel marketing program is one in which individuals are signed up, usually online, to become commission only salespeople for the parent company.

They either sell directly to customers or, more commonly, have their own website or blog on which they place ads for the parent company.
When customers click on those ads and then buy a product, the commission only salesperson makes a commission on the sale.

This is also commonly referred to as affiliate marketing.Affiliate programs have become wildly popular in the past few years.
There are many ads and articles out there claiming that you can make a fortune by being an affiliate for a company.

The truth is, while making good income through a multilevel marketing program is possible, it is not as simple as some make it sound.One thing that many people who are excited about becoming an affiliate do not understand is that they have to do virtually all of the “sales” work themselves.

It is, in a very real sense, becoming a salesperson, which many people have no interest in.
While there may not be any literal door to door sales involved, it is the internet equivalent of that, in that you have to persuade people to come to your blog or site, and then entice them to click on your ads.

You truly have to sell yourself (through your blog or site) in order to succeed in an affiliate program.
The second trap that some people fall into is recruiting other people to become affiliates for them.
In other words, they ask people to add links to their blog or site, and if customers then buy products through their ads, they share the commission with their own recruit. This is they very definition of a pyramid scheme, but is often subtly encouraged by the parent companies.With all that being said, however, there are perfectly legitimate opportunities of this type out there, you just have to do some research to find them. As a general rule of thumb, the larger the company, the more likely it is that there program is legitimate and could bring in some extra cash for you. That is, however, a very general rule of thumb and should not be taken for granted.The best way to find out if a company’s affiliate program is for real is to talk to other affiliates for that company.
Most companies are willing to give you the names and contact information for some of their most successful partners.
In fact, if a company refuses to do so, you might as well refrain from doing business with them right then and there. Get the names of some successful affiliates for a company and contact them.
Find out how easy the program is to use, how hard it is to achieve success, and even try to get some hints from them, although they may be reluctant to tell you too much, since you will basically be their competitor.
Also, ask the company itself for additional information.

Again, responsible companies usually have no problem doing this.
In fact, the best companies even invest in booklet printing to write up a detailed description of their program and how it works.
They will gladly send you a booklet for free, which you can look through and get a good idea of how successful the program is.
If the company has invested in booklet printing, however, the chances are good that they are legit.So if you are interested in becoming an affiliate, go for it…but do your homework first.

There are as many failures waiting to happen as there are successes, so it would behoove you to be as informed as possible.For comments and inquiries about the article visit:

Internet Marketing Made Easy for Personal Training

Internet Marketing can be extremely expensive, unpredictable and time consuming. There are a variety of things that just about every PT business can do to get new clients to their site without investing huge amounts of time and money. Some of these items can be done with a minimal amount of time and some take a bit of education but knowing that the vast majority of potential PT clients use the web to find trainers; it is well worth the effort:
* Become an expert in the area of fitness that you specialize in - house an archive of relevant material on your site through posting articles and/or setting up a blog. Content is king when it comes to the Search Engines and the more relevant content you have on your site, the more you increase your chances of being ranked optimally.
* Send out a monthly newsletter to all of your prospects and clients. Collect e-mails to expand your database manually and through a submission form on your website.
* Create compelling incentives to contact you on your website with an offering such as free e-books, discounts, promotions, and/or webinars.
* Put your web site address on EVERYTHING - business cards, stationery, invoices, e-mail signatures, links on other web sites, online directories, signage, promotional items, on your voicemail, and when leaving voicemails for others.
* Drive traffic back to your website through links in your e-mail newsletter. Make an effort to get articles or even blurbs in other businesses e-mail newsletters.
* Have a great call-to-action on everything you send out and on every page of your website.
* Link Building - One of the primary factors that the Search Engines use to determine positioning is link population. This means that the quality and quantity of links back to your website is very important if you want to be optimally ranked. Try to get links back to your website through link exchange programs, getting listed in directory sites, adding your link to articles that get posted on the Internet and getting your link posted in blog submissions.
* Pay-Per-Click (PPC) or sponsored link advertising is a great strategy for most PT businesses since it is such a niche industry - and most are geographically popular businesses as well. This means there is much less competition for keywords and as a result PPC can be very cost effective. Mikel Bruce with WebFlexor PT Websites ( recommends setting up a Google adwords account for several keywords and a few that put you on the first page of a search. Having a quality web presence is the one factor that ties all of these techniques together. In addition, having the ability and control to regularly update your website will allow you to easily implement and manage many of the Internet Marketing strategies as per discussed. Remember, your website is the first thing most prospective clients will see and it is the most important place to put your best foot forward. If you are looking to develop a professional web presence and succeed on the Web, WebFlexor PT specializes in affordable and quality websites for Personal Trainers and Fitness Professionals. Customized PT Websites start at only $199!

Marketing plans for a Fitness Business

Marketing is the lifeblood of every business and it is critical that a growing personal training business is devoting certain time, energy and financing towards building their business. It is important to remember that nothing stays the same. Everything by the nature of their existence is either growing or shrinking and your business is no exception and if you are depending on hope or good karma to build your business, than you may be missing some important elements. Creating good karma is based on taking action and when it comes to marketing and promoting your business, there are very specific actions that can be applied to create growth, even with limited time and a limited budget. If you look at the process of marketing your business from the perspective of both art and science, it can be helpful in deciding how to get started. From the artistic point of view, it is important that you are incorporating your creative abilities and personality into your marketing process. This will make it easier and more natural for you to do ‘the work’ of marketing when you are going with the grain versus against it. This can manifest in any number of ways, for example, if you are expressive and articulate, you may consider filming some video-based promotions such as teaching and/or speaking and adding those videos to your website and promoting them on the search engines. Or, if you have skills in writing, you might write a monthly newsletter and send it out to your students and prospective clients and include submitting these to the Article Directory Websites. Most trainers struggle more with the scientific aspects of marketing, which is unfortunate, because building a PT business is in many ways a scientific experiment and if you were to approach it scientifically, it would make it much easier to succeed. Scientists always start by collecting data and tracking statistics. This might not sound very interesting but there is a saying that if you want what others don’t have, you have to do what others are not willing to do. Most businesses, unfortunately, don’t succeed and in many cases it is because the business owners don’t stretch beyond their comfort zone. In order to start gathering data, here are some very important questions that you can ask yourself:
15. How many new clients do you need (ideally) each month to grow your business?
16. What is your attrition rate or how many clients do you lose on a monthly basis?
17. How many leads/calls/inquiries do you receive on a daily/weekly/monthly basis?
18. What is the conversion ratio of leads to new clients (# of leads/ # of sales)?
19. How many new clients do you actually acquire on a monthly basis?

20. Is the number of the new clients acquired less than the number of new clients needed?

21. What marketing techniques are you using to generate new leads?

Many of the effective and most cost efficient marketing strategies being used today are web based marketing techniques. If you are looking to develop a professional web presence and succeed on the web, WebFlexor PT Websites specializes in affordable and quality websites for Personal Trainers. .

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Affiliate Alternative; Google Adsense

The Rise and Fall of Affiliate Programs
Affiliate programs were once a great source of online revenue, a savvy webmaster with an eye for marketing could easily parley a site into a money making machine with a little luck and effort. However, the evolution and growth of the Internet has hampered the growth of fortune making affiliate programs. Constant search engine algorithm changes, along with the search engine's clear distaste for sites participating in affiliate programs; have made it a little more difficult to earn a healthy affiliate revenue. An influx in the use of software programs that terminate cookie tracking and privacy programs that prevent webmasters from tracking referrers, have also hindered the affiliate sales channel. While it is still possible to make money through affiliate marketing, other alternatives ought to be considered.
A Healthy Alternative or Supplement
Google's Adsense program allows approved websites to dynamically serve Google's pay-per-click Adword results. This has become a popular alternative and an effective revenue sharing program for webmasters. Google's spider parses the adserving website and serves ads that relate to the website's content. While the Google's Adsense program still has some issues, they are making efforts to improve it.
The website maintenance related to Adsense is very easy and requires very little effort. Webmasters need only to insert javascript into the webpage or website template. The javascript calls the ad from Google and will ensure that ads are served each time a visitor goes to the webpage. If the visitor clicks one of the Adsense ads served to the website, the website owner is credited for the referral.
The implementation, while simple, has its drawbacks. Google dictates the format of the ads. Webmasters can select from a handful of preformatted text boxes that lack creativity. A recent improvement allows webmasters to modify the ad boxes to resemble the website's color scheme. Still, a far cry from some of the creative ads webmasters are accustom to.
The example below reflects how the color scheme can be modified to match the look of the website, but the ads physically don't fit well into the overall website design.
sample modified to match sites color scheme: (scroll to the bottom)
Google determines the content of the ads that are shown/ Sometimes the ads are poorly targeted, and of no interest to the website visitors.
sample of poorly targeted ads:
Adwords can be a great addition to a website, and when well matched to the content the revenue stream from Google is consistent and effortless.
sample of effective Adsense program: (scroll to the bottom) (scroll to the bottom)
Not that the Google Adsense program is not without its the reporting provided by Google is lacking. Google has not implemented any way to track multiple sites that serve ads; they simply show the number of ads served, the percentage of clicks received, and the revenue earned each day. Google does not disclose the amount of the revenue they share, what percentage of the revenue they earn and what someone can expect to receive for each click. Webmasters with multiple sites will have difficulty determining which websites are producing the money in the Adsense program.
With affiliate programs many webmasters implement a new browser launch with each click off the site, Adsense removes the visitor from the website and there is not currently an option to launch the visitor into another browser.
Early on Google implemented a filtering system that allowed webmasters to prevent a specific domain's ads from being served on the website. Ad blocking meant that webmasters could prevent their competitors ads from being dynamically served on their website.
Overall, adwords are great supplements to websites where affiliate programs are either not performing or when affiliate programs don't exist that target the sites content.
Give it a Try
Implementing and maintaing Google Adsense program on a content site requires very little effort and can often bring a steady stream of additional revenue for webmasters. Consider supplementing content and see what happens.

Another Affiliate Scam? NO1 on Google in 48 hrs!

Another Affiliate Scam? Affiliate Project XYZ or whatever-6 Figure Income for working a few hours per day? Affiliates that are making $50,000.00 a month? Don't make me Laugh.... I winced when I read anything like this, and click off the page. Since I first found out about people making money online, I wanted to know how to do it myself. For personal reasons (that I won’t go into here) I needed to work from home and obtain a decent income whilst doing so. I spend 1000's of hours surfing and I'm ashamed to say a good pile cash on useless guides and programs. I joined forums and groups and quickly after reading of their experiences decided that the majority of these e-books, programs and tutorial were nothing but a scam. I settled down to plod around, making a lot of sites and going via the tried and tested 'Work Horse' method. In the end, I was making about $300 a month. After making virtually nothing for the first 6 months!!! When I saw the latest affiliate secrets program appear, I thought 'Here we go again'. Another get rich quick scheme. I have to say I ignored it for some time...but then I started to hear whispers, all over the net saying how great it was. Blah blah, I still ignored it. I am a member of a particularly harsh, clued up Affiliate Forum. (They are straight talkers! They review and report harshly on every single scam and new program on the net. I was grinning when I saw the headline 'New Affiliate project program reviewed'. At last, I thought some one will pull it to pieces and save all the money and cash hungry affiliates wasting their time! I scrolled down till I found a favorite forum poster of mine, he is a cutting, an SEO expert, sharp, harsh and pulls every 'Get rich Quick Scheme' that I've ever seen on the net to shreds. Boy did I get a shock!!! Here are some real posts from this harsh clued up forum: Geez, this guy knows his stuff! Damn-if everyone reads this info-I'm outta business. One guy wrote in another thread that this is the type of product that you don't want a lot of people to know about. I agreed with him but then I forgot a few things. a) 90% of the people that buy it won't do a thing with it b) Of the remaining 10%, about 1% will implement it effectively So I hope I don't need to worry. Damn, can't believe he is selling this info so cheap! This is only one post out of 50-singing it's praises-Affiliate Scheme ABC this and that-wow, blown away etc. all over the forum! Took the wind right out of my jaded sales. I thought ok-you know what...lets go see. I read it all carefully, then the clincher was spotting the money back guarantee if not satisfied plus it was quite cheap-so I thought...hmm why not. So tentatively, I bought Affiliate the product to test. I thought it would just be an interesting experiment that I could report back on the forum about. I really didn't expect very much to come of my purchase. Now I also run my own work from home forum and we have a vibrant community and all help each other with tips and knowledge on how to earn from home. I almost felt it my duty to try this out so I could post about 'What a con it was' I bought this particular un-named product, (let just nickname it Abc for the purposes of this article), downloaded it and was so disinterested in reading it, I forgot about it for a few days. I really hadn't much faith in it at all. Eventually I got round to reading it-Boy was I mad! Who was this guy anyway? Who was he to tell me that EVERYTHING I had already learn't about affiliate marketing through damn hard work...was wrong! I had to re-learn everything. Yes the SEO advice we all get about backlinks, relevant link exchanges etc. is all still very valid however it was interesting to read what this particular 'white hat' internet Guru had to say. I would have deleted Affiliate (un-named test product) right then and there except...on reading on a little...I got butterflies. Yep, this guy had a lot to say that suddenly made sense. I tried not to but became as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. Could this be for real? Was (ABC) the holy grail of marketing that I had searched for, for so long? Nah couldn't possibly be. I tried to ignore it, but if just to prove to the butterflies that they were wrong...I put the info into practice. After all, I couldn't proclaim it a scam in all honesty unless I tried it right? It's not a throw up a website in 5 minutes thing, but it was fast I followed every step to the letter (So I could crow after that I had tested APX and it didn't work) Took me about 6 hours. Now one demand in the Program that put my back up was that is stated categorically-you must use ppc once you make you master site. Well I really wasn't keen to go down that road, I tried that when I first started...lost a lot of money. So I sneakily signed up to a ppc that gave you $50 free. So Apart from the cost of the program, and $8 dollar domain and 6 hours-it had cost me nothing to try it but time. I got it all set up as per the instructions of 'the internet guru and had planned to market it a little, but unfortunately I had to go away and attend to a family matter for a few days. I quite forgot about the whole thing till I got home, I can only say now that I'm bowled over by the advice and amazing tips and secrets given by the un-named Guru, I'm not going to post fake looking stats, or make you jealous by giving you the actual figures involved. (I never believed these anyway when I saw these 'Actual Screen Shots' did you?) The Experiment. You don’t have to believe one word that I am saying here-I want you to go and see for yourself with your own eyes. I deliberately threw up a fast unattractive looking blog. Don't judge my web building skills on this please. Within 48 hrs I was No.1 on Google for my search terms. Now this I will show you, you can check this fact yourself online right here at an independent web stats site HERE- Just enter my test subject url. Now-trust me, Im no wizard with SEO, or anything else as a rule. I have never managed to get a no1 spot on google. It just shows you-if you know what your doing it can be done, cost $8 on a domain, marketing and promotion cost to achieve this 0. So learn a little for yourself before you go spending x amount on website promotion! Now, I'm not able to disclose what's in this report, or it's name, I wont even give you a link to it, that’s not the point of the article. What I can tell you is this: I didn't do much on promotion, I didn't spam any one or send out any e-mails at all. This cost me $8.00 for a domain only! Having now tested 'This internet Guru's Advice' I have to say, forget everything else you know, or think you know about on-line marketing-It's all a lie. I hope Mr. Guru's advice is available for a good long time but suspect that the writer of it will be given suitcases full of money to disappear and join the witness protection program before someone puts a price on his head:) If it's still available out there-I'm sure you will find it, if you look. I felt like writing this article to tell everyone a few things that I have realized lately-SEO is important, but slow and time consuming (normally) All (almost 99%) of 'Get Rich Quick' programs available for sale are a waste of money and tell you nothing you couldn't have easily googled yourself. Be extremely careful what you spend your money on, when it comes to internet marketing advice and webmaster tools. 90% of them are useless-the other 9% help a little. Don't give up searching for the 1% that will make all the difference. They do exist-there just really hard to find. Always question every bit of marketing advice you find-no matter where it came from. I don't care that they made a million with their system; do you really think most of them are actually going to tell you how they did it? They will throw you a few tips and leave out all the goodies as a rule, making their product a waste of your money. If anyone wants to see an update of how my project is going please feel free to email myself or find my forum for an update.